Yoga For Beginners To Increase Positivity And Holistic Health

 By Karthika Thomas
 Counsellor/yoga instructor at Mind For Life
A beginners guide to yoga and the associated health benefits for your body and mind

Do you feel flustered about everything that is happening in 2020? Do you wonder if you will ever be happy during these uncertain times? Do you wish for all your negative thoughts to go away and make way to an optimistic future?

Everyone is entitled to be happy. So, what if there is a pandemic and uncertainty surrounding us. Staying positive and having an optimistic outlook towards the present and the future will help you stay away from negativity and difficult emotions that can affect your health and daily activities.

So how can we increase positive thought flow within us?

The traditional yoga practice presents over 3000 years of prevalence, heritage, and philosophy. According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (A classic text), yoga has therapeutic benefits in healing the mind and body where healing happens faster with a positive mind-body state that is achieved through sustained practice (Woodyard,2001).
Several researchers and yogic scholars have shown evidence on the therapeutic benefits of regular yoga practice. Surya Namaskar or sun salutation is the core element in Yoga, that has innumerable benefits with continued practice. The primary benefits of practicing Surya Namaskar includes:
Several researchers and yogic scholars have shown evidence on the therapeutic benefits of regular yoga practice. Surya Namaskar or sun salutation is the core element in Yoga, that has innumerable benefits with continued practice.The primary benefits of practicing Surya Namaskar includes:
One cycle of surya namaskar has 24 different yoga poses (12 poses account to half cycle performed on one side). The half cycle of surya namaskar has the following asanas:
The Surya namaskar sequence is readily available on the internet for everyone and can be done by beginners. Practicing this flow will instantly result in increased blood flow, improved focus and increased positivity. It is essential to follow the breathing pattern while practicing this flow as it is a form of movement meditation and allows you to focus on your breathing and body movement. In case of injury, discontinue practice and consult a healthcare expert.
So what are you waiting for?
Start a regular yoga practice today to promote a healthier body
and mind that will surely improve your quality of life!


Woodyard, C. (2011). Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life. International Journal of Yoga, 4(2), 49.


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